2A, 2B, General Studies, Homework

Homework (Feb. 27th-March 3rd)

Each Monday a student will choose a homework task from the week and it should be completed for the following Monday. There is no homework on Shabbat or Jewish holidays. Please let me know if it is taking more than 10 minutes each night. (send me an email). This homework should be able to be completed independently. Please note, daily reading is required, a book of their choosing.


  • Math Monday- The students will practise the math concept introduced. These activities will be either on IXL or in their Must Do folders, which will be located in their note totes. These note totes must be returned each day. This week their math activities are on IXL. Please click on the yellow star to find the assigned items. Do only one.


  • Share a Talent Tuesday (optional)-Does your child need to practise their violin or piano lessons? Have them share their talent by adding a video to Flipgrid to be seen by their classmates. This is our chance to celebrate other areas where they shine.


  •  Wonder Wednesdays-If you find a simple machine in your house, draw it, label it and bring the drawing in. Here is this week’s video.


  • Wrap it up Thursday-Have your child tell us the title and author of the book they have just finished and have them give a detailed reason why we might want to read it next. Record your answer on Flipgrid
French Studies

Les plaisirs d’ hiver

Salut les parents!

Our kiddos are looking forward to the break. They have every reason to be excited since they have been working hard in class. Students are trying to master the French language in every possible way.

The results of the quizzes are mind-blowing. Not only do they know the vocabulary, but their confidence has increased considerably, since they have been challenging themselves (writing a story using some of the vocabulary). Confidence is the number one predictor of academic achievement.  We will continue with  two quizzes per month( one every second week) and two presentations after the break. It’s time they put all this knowledge (vocabulary, verbs like êre,avoir, and more to come)into practice. As far as reading is concerned, we have finished with the complex sounds. The kids need to practice “Je lis” regularly to remember the sounds and improve their fluency. The point is to move to a different level, but only once they have read the books correctly. That’s why you should advise them to listen to the story many times before recording especially when it comes to some tricky or new words. During the break, try to expose them to the French language as much as possible, visit museums, watch their favorite show like Minecraft, Pokémon, Barbapapa, Scooby-Doo, Ben 10 in french, listen to french songs, and use free online Apps like Duolingo, Hello- World French Children’s Activities can all make this journey for the kids educational and fun. Below you can see the amazing mazes and masks they made after being inspired by the story of The Minotaur as well as the song they sang.



Have a wonderful and exciting break.

2A, 2B, General Studies, Homework

Homework (Feb.6-Feb.10th)

Each Monday a student will choose a homework task from the week and it should be completed for the following Monday. There is no homework on Shabbat or Jewish holidays. Please let me know if it is taking more than 10 minutes each night. (send me an email). This homework should be able to be completed independently. Please note, daily reading is required, a book of their choosing.


  • Math Monday- The students will practise the math concept introduced. These activities will be either on IXL or in their Must Do folders, which will be located in their note totes. These note totes must be returned each day. This week their math activity is in their note tote.


  • Share a Talent Tuesday (optional)-Does your child need to practise their violin or piano lessons? Have them share their talent by adding a video to Flipgrid to be seen by their classmates. This is our chance to celebrate other areas where they shine.


  •  Wonder Wednesdays-If you find a simple machine in your house, draw it, label it and bring the drawing in. Here is this week’s video.


  • Wrap it up Thursday-Have your child tell us the title and author of the book they have just finished and have them give a detailed reason why we might want to read it next. Record your answer on Flipgrid
2A, 2B, General Studies

Getting Ready to Launch Blogfolios

Dear Grade 2 Parents,


We are excited to launch student blogfolios this year in November. Please read the information below and sign the permission form at the bottom of this letter and send it back in their note tote before October 1, 2023


The Why of Student Blogfolios


A blogfolio allows students and teachers (“the learners”) to collect and demonstrate over time their goals, process, and growth towards these goals and other objectives. The ownership rests with the learner to present evidence of steps towards and accomplishments of their goals. (Langwitches.org) If we look towards our North Stars it sets the stage for students to own their learning. Sharing these blogfolios also encourages their classmates to celebrate successes and share new strategies moving forward (we are responsible for each other). These Blogfolios allow both the student and teacher to keep track of their progress, successes, and learning over time (throughout their academic career) in an organized way. Blogfolios capture the whole child in a way that standardized tests and summative tests cannot.


The What and Where of Student Blogfolios:

A blogfolio is a digital portfolio built on a blogging platform such as WordPress. The platform used by the OJCS for blogging is Edublogs. In their portfolios, the students will choose artifacts (work samples that provide evidence of learning, experiences, or goals). These artifacts can include text, video, audio, and images. Students can express themselves according to their strengths or learning styles. They will have many opportunities to reflect on their learning journeys and will independently (or with support when necessary) choose the next steps (future goals).


The Who (will have access to) of Student Blogfolios

 As a soft launch into student blogfolios, all students will each be given their blogs. We will begin adding artifacts to our blogs based on what we are doing in class. There are a few things you should know:


  • Blogfolio URLs (addresses) will follow the formula: firstnamelastinitialojcs.edublogs.org (ex: ann-lynnrojcs.edublogs.org);


  • All posts and comments will have to be approved by Morah Ann-Lynn, Morah Sigal, Morah Corinne, or Madame Effie before they get published;


  • Students (with the consent of their parents) may choose to post pictures and videos of themselves and their work online;


  • Personal information (address, last name, birthday, etc.) WILL NEVER be posted on the blogfolio;


  • Students will be encouraged to comment on each other’s posts;


  • Parents who choose to comment are asked to use their first name only, so as not to identify personal information about the child.


Understanding that this may feel new and uncomfortable to some of you and our students, there are a few privacy settings to choose from:


  • Public Blogfolio – The URL will include the student’s first name and last initial. It will be public, meaning anyone would have access to seeing the content and comments (for example, our class blog is public.) This adds tremendous value to the work students are doing, in that their audience is greater than their teacher and peers, and they’ll see that others care to read what they say. For example, connecting directly with scientists, subject matter experts, authors, other students from around the world, etc.;


  • Public Avatar Blogfolio– The URL is made up of an alias and students do not post their real name, picture, or video on their Blogfolio. However, the site is still public and anyone will be able to access the content and comment.
  • Password Protected Blogfolio – The URL will include the student’s first name and last initial. Anyone who tries to access the blogfolio will be required to enter a password. Students and parents would control who knows the password.
  • Private Blogfolio– The URL will include the student’s first name and last initial. Only people with an edublog account (parents would need to create one to have access) who have been granted permission to the blog will be able to view the content.


The When of Student Blogfolios


These blogfolios will not be posted until November.


Please ensure you have carefully read through all the information above. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. Please complete and return the attached permission form.




          The Grade 2 Team

Grade 2 OJCS Blogfolios


I ______________________________, give permission for


_____________________________, to participate in the Grade 2 Blogfolio Program.


I give permission for the following blogfolio setting (please select one)


  1. Public Blogfolio


  1. Public Avatar Blogfolio. I would like my child’s avatar name to be:




  1. Password Protected Blogfolio o Private Blogfolio


Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________


Signature: _______________________________________________________________


Homework (Jan.23rd-Jan.27th)

  • Each Monday a student will choose a homework task from the week and it should be completed for the following Monday. There is no homework on Shabbat or Jewish holidays. Please let me know if it is taking more than 10 minutes each night. (send me an email). This homework should be able to be completed independently. Please note, daily reading is required, a book of their choosing.


  • Math Monday- The students will practise the math concept introduced. These activities will be either on IXL or in their Must Do folders, which will be located in their note totes. These note totes must be returned each day. This week their math activity is in their note tote.


  • Share a Talent Tuesday (optional)-Does your child need to practise their violin or piano lessons? Have them share their talent by adding a video to Flipgrid to be seen by their classmates. This is our chance to celebrate other areas where they shine.


  •  Wonder Wednesdays-If you find a simple machine in your house, draw it, label it and bring the drawing in. Here is this week’s video.


  • Wrap it up Thursday-Have your child tell us the title and author of the book they have just finished and have them give a detailed reason why we might want to read it next. Record your answer on Flipgrid