French Studies

Les plaisirs d’ hiver

Salut les parents!

Our kiddos are looking forward to the break. They have every reason to be excited since they have been working hard in class. Students are trying to master the French language in every possible way.

The results of the quizzes are mind-blowing. Not only do they know the vocabulary, but their confidence has increased considerably, since they have been challenging themselves (writing a story using some of the vocabulary). Confidence is the number one predictor of academic achievement.  We will continue with  two quizzes per month( one every second week) and two presentations after the break. It’s time they put all this knowledge (vocabulary, verbs like êre,avoir, and more to come)into practice. As far as reading is concerned, we have finished with the complex sounds. The kids need to practice “Je lis” regularly to remember the sounds and improve their fluency. The point is to move to a different level, but only once they have read the books correctly. That’s why you should advise them to listen to the story many times before recording especially when it comes to some tricky or new words. During the break, try to expose them to the French language as much as possible, visit museums, watch their favorite show like Minecraft, Pokémon, Barbapapa, Scooby-Doo, Ben 10 in french, listen to french songs, and use free online Apps like Duolingo, Hello- World French Children’s Activities can all make this journey for the kids educational and fun. Below you can see the amazing mazes and masks they made after being inspired by the story of The Minotaur as well as the song they sang.



Have a wonderful and exciting break.

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