2A, 2B, French Studies, Homework

Reading challenge

In order to encourage nightly reading, I will be offering a class reward when each member of our class has read on 5 separate occasions and our class total reaches 100!  Each time your child reads in French (it may be practicing Quizlet cards, reading one book or two, or it may be that he or she is rereading a book that has already been read), please add an entry in their reading log (including the date) or email me.  For the purpose of our challenge, students will only be able to color in one square at a time.  In other words, they can read five books in one evening, but that will only count for one “reading session” and one square on the chart.  The goal here is to encourage the habit of reading on a daily basis.

In order to ensure everyone can dedicate their evenings to reading, there will be no dictée this week.

When everybody has read 5 times and we have collectively read at least 100 times, students will get their reward.

-Mme Sophie

2A, 2B, French Studies

Scholastic French books

Good afternoon!

I am posting this link to the Scholastic Books‘ French immersion section which contains a long list of books within your child’s French reading ability. For those of you who might feel that your French library at home is in need of new books, this is a great spot to find new and exciting releases!

Due to COVID, Scholastic books are now being delivered to your home!

Our Grade 2 French class code is: RC467553



French Studies, Homework

Reading Homework

Your child will come home with their reading homework in the next few weeks! I appreciate your continued patience as I roll out this program. Each child will receive specific individualized homework tasks to help them improve their reading skills.
Your child will receive a navy “Lecture” duo tang which will live in their note-totes in order for me to be able to keep track of their reading progress. Your child will have all the necessary tools, in this duo-tang, to complete their reading assignment. I will assign one of the following tasks:
1.  Syllables: I am finding that many second-graders have difficulties pronouncing their vowels in French. The vowels sound very different than they do in English and it is very important that they be pronounced properly as a mispronunciation can completely change the meaning of a word, or simply make it extremely difficult to understand. As a result, many students who were previously reading are going back to basics in hope that this will improve their pronunciation.
The vowel sounds are in the “Classe virtuelle” tab on the blog. In the virtual classroom, on the second page, you will find the vowels and an audio recording of me pronouncing them.
In their duo-tang, you will find a page of syllables (ba, fa, lo, mi, tu, etc.) set a timer for 1 minute to see how many syllables can be read (correctly) in that minute. You can use a post-it and move it each time they are able to make it further down the page. This activity can be done on a daily basis. Please let me know when your child can make it through the entire 2 pages (without mistakes) in one minute.
2. Reading on “Je lis littératie”: Taped to the inside of the duo-tang, you will find a card with your child’s login information for Je lis littératie. They will have been assigned a level/colour and will need to read one book per week (or more if desired). I ask that parents put in the necessary information and difficulty level of each book so I can adjust their homework accordingly. Your child should be able to summarize the story and answer questions to demonstrate understanding. Please let me know if you feel this activity is taking too long for your child or if you have any questions or concerns!
2A, 2B, French Studies

Franco-Ontarien day on September 25

Good morning!

I wanted to let you know that we will be celebrating Franco-Ontarien day tomorrow, Friday September 25.

We will be having treats, watching a live-stream of the celebration (raising of the flag, concert, activities), and creating our own flag with the ADKs and Grade 1s.

The live stream is available on:

Célébrons le 25 septembre ! (contenu)

Given that it will be a dress down day, I encourage the kids to wear green and white (Franco-Ontarien flag colors).

Have a great day!


Mme Sophie

2A, 2B, French Studies, General Studies, Jewish Studies, Reminders

Back to School Night

Hi Grade 2 Parents,

This is a friendly reminder that our Virtual Back to School Night is tonight! The Grade 2 Teachers will be hosting a Google Meet from 8:00-8:30pm.

If you are unable to attend, you can access recordings of our sessions below. There is also a blog post with videos from Miss Brigitte about how the Library will be working this year.

General Studies – Morah Lianna

Morah Batya – Hebrew

Madame Sophie – French


2A, 2B, French Studies, Homework

French reading

Good evening!

Your child will come home this week with a book called “Dans ma salle de classe” which we put together using classroom vocabulary. Please ask your child to read you this book (more than once if it is difficult). We have practiced this book in class and your child should be able to explain and translate each page. If your child has memorized the book, please have them read the words out of order and if possible, translate them to English or Hebrew.

Mme Sophie