2B, Student Blogger

Guest Blogger – My Podcast

I’m Orly and I’m writing this blog post to tell you about my podcast. 

I started a podcast because we heard about a podcast making app on a podcast I was listening to. So me and my dad thought that we should make a podcast. 

For our first podcast, we thought that we could do some stuff that was fun to listen to. We played some songs and talked about them for a bit. Our first one was just a little quick one because we did it at night. My dad played some podcasts to give me ideas… One of the podcasts had an intro so I thought we should also do an intro. Starting in episode 2, there is an intro song with my voice and my daddy joins at the end. 

I use the podcast to read books in French, English, and Hebrew! I also like to interview people on the podcast. I have interviewed my mom and my brother. 

Please check out my podcast on Spotify.

Please comment below with easy French and Hebrew books that I can read in my next episode. 

2A, 2B, Reminders


Hello Kitah Bet Families,

We hope you had a lovely February break! Here are a few reminders for the week…

-This week is RUACH WEEK! (See poster below for details)

-Monday is PJ Day, so we will be having our famous PJ Day Pancake breakfast party in first period! You can send some fruit for your child to have with their pancakes.

-Friday is PURIM and a 3PM dismissal

We are looking forward to a week filled with Ruach and costumes!  

2A, 2B, General Studies, Homework, Reminders

General Studies Homework – Week of Feb. 8

Good Morning Kitah Bet Families,

This week’s homework will be online. As usual, the students should choose one of the options below. Completing extra tasks is a bonus!

Math – Clear some assigned skills on IXL

Language Arts – Do an Accelerated Reader quiz on a book you have finished reading. Here is the tutorial if you forget how to access that. Please e-mail Morah Lianna if you forget your password. 

Social Studies – Watch this video about the continents (you can stop the video at 3:11). Open a Google Doc and share 3 facts you learned in this vido. Don’t forget to share your doc with Morah Lianna! 

If your child is going to be absent (and participating online in the hyflex program) you MUST e-mail the teachers and Ellie to let us know. We will not be opening our Google Meet classrooms unless we know there is a student at home for the day. 

Bitmoji Image

2A, 2B, General Studies, Homework

General Studies Homework – Week of Feb. 1

Welcome back Kitah Bet! 

We hope you had a lovely weekend and that you are ready to jump back into a regular routine! 

Here are the homework tasks for this week. Here is the Flipgrid link for the Science task. These songs about continents and oceans may be helpful for the Social Studies task. This graphic organizer may be helpful for the Language Arts task.

Reminder: in class today, your child will choose ONE task to complete and it is due on Monday of next week. Completing any additional tasks is optional!

welcome back

2A, 2B, General Studies

Liquids, Solids, Gases… OH MY!

In Science class, we have been exploring states of matter over the last couple of weeks. Last week, we learned about the changes in states of matter (for example: solid turning into a liquid when heated)…. and today, we got to see it in action!

Morah Lianna explained that she was going to boil water and pour it over ice. All of the Grade 2 students had the opportunity to make predictions on our Jamboard…

“What do you think will happen to the ice and water?”

We were thrilled to see that most of our predictions were correct! It was fun to watch the water bubble as it boiled and it was crazy to see how fast 4 or 5 ice cubes melted! We were even able to see the steam coming out of the kettle!

Keep the discussion going at home! Next time you are boiling water for pasta, pouring a glass of water with ice, or even bringing snow into the house on your boots, ask your children to tell you about the different changes in states of matter that they notice!

2A, 2B, General Studies, Homework, Reminders

Week of Dec. 14

Hi Grade 2 Families!

I hope you had an amazing weekend filled with Chanukah celebrations! As it is still Chanukah, your evenings may be filled with deep frying, candle lighting and dreidle spinning – so there is no official General Studies homework. Your child can always use the General Studies Choice Board or the Trilingual Choice Board if they are missing homework time this week! Both choice boards can be found on the distance learning page of our blog.

Here are some other reminders to get you through this week:
-Tuesday at 7:00pm we will have a virtual OJCS Family Hanukkah Celebration. We hope you can join us via this live stream link
-Friday is a dress down day! We are raising money for Sit With Me Dog Rescue. This is a special dress down day because it’s a PJ day and we will be having a pancake party in Kitah Bet during the 1st period. Please send some fruit for your child to have with it. 


2A, 2B, General Studies, Homework

General Studies Homework – Week of Dec. 7

Hi Grade 2 Families!

Here are the homework tasks for this week. Here is the video for the Social Studies task. Here is the Flipgrid for the Language Arts Task.

Reminder: in class today, your child will choose ONE task to complete and it is due on Monday of next week. Completing any additional tasks is optional! Your child can also always log in to IXL to finish the assigned Math skills or work on the skills from the recommendation wall. 

Reminder: the OJCS virtual book fair is still going on this week! Please support our school by shopping at this link.