Student Blogger

Guest Blogger – Fenway Saves the Fish

Hi my name is Fenway. I am a student in 2A at the OJCS. I am blogging because I want to share what happened on the weekend. 

When I was biking over the new bridge that goes over the Canal, I saw 10 giant carp that were 2 feet long. They were in a little pond under the new bridge. I was worried because it wasn’t even a foot of water and the whole thing would freeze over the winter so the would die. 

My dad posted the pictures and video on his twitter account and I wrote a tweet to Jim Watson (the mayor). 

I tagged Jim Watson in the tweet so he can tell City Council to help the fish. Tim Tierney replied to my tweet. 

The next day, I went to check on the fish and there was no movement in the water. So we looked closer and the fish were gone. We saw footprints in the mud so we realized that the NCC helped rescue the fish. 

My Morah says we always need to reflect when we blog… so here I go:

It made me feel sad that the fish were not safe but the next day I was more happy because the fish were saved. I learned that Twitter can be useful to communicate with important people that can help make a difference.

Thank you to the people that saved the fish! 

31 thoughts on “Guest Blogger – Fenway Saves the Fish”

  1. So proud of you Fen. First, for being sovaware and caring for our environment and the living things in it. Second, for taking action and trying to do something about what you saw as a problem. And third, for sharing your experience on the blog, and in doing so setting an example. Well done!

  2. Wow Fen! This is such a great blog. You make us so proud and I am thrilled that you were able to ensure the fish are safe. I don’t remember learning about twitter when I was in grade 2, clearly this is all part of #theojcsdifference!

  3. Fen, I can only imagine what the fishies would say to you and your Dad if they could write you a thank-you! Since they can’t hold a pencil, I will write for them. Thanks for being such an amazing fishy-friend and problem-solver. We are very proud of you for taking action! Keep up the great work with writing about experiences that mean a lot to you!

  4. Fen, I am so proud of you for saving the fish. We knew how very concerned you were about them which is a reflection of the kind and caring individual that you are. This is no surprise given you love of animals. Well done!

  5. Hi Fenway, I really liked your blog post. I’m happy you called the city council. That was a smart decision. You saved the fish and it’s kind of like “If you save one life, you save the world.” Sadie

  6. What a great blog Fen. That was truly a feel good story and you made my day! I love your compassion and it really is amazing how one little voice can make a difference!

  7. Hi Fen,
    You don’t know me but I am friends with your mom and dad. I just want you to know that I loved your blog post and plan on sharing it with my students at a different school. It sets an example of how a little care and compassion can go a long way. You are a shining star!!!

  8. Great job Fen!! We are so happy to hear that you saved the fish, you should be very proud. When Ollie wakes up in the morning I’m going to tell him what a hero his cousin is! Keep up the good work xoxo

  9. Hi Fen – Susan Martensen here. I read your blog about how you reached out to the city about helping them. Also, how they did help them!
    You are a great citizen of Ottawa, and I am not at all surprised. You are a very caring youth in our city, and I am very happy to know you.

    Keep up the good work, blogging and sharing caring news stories.

  10. Great job Fen!!! Another aspect of the problem that you identified would be the effect of the community if those fish did pass away in the canal. Carp are very large and stinky when decomposing and could stink up the whole neighbourhood in a very unpleasant way. Rescuing those fish shows respect for our urban wildlife but also is necessary to keep surrounding neighbourhoods healthy and comfortable. Way to go Fenway!!!!

  11. Fenway, I am so proud to have read that there are people like you in this world. Always know that no matter how old or young you are, or how big or little you are, there’s always a way to make a difference. Use your voice for good and speak up about the things that matter to you. Way to go! Lucky fish!

  12. Hi again, Fenway. In my first post, I left out the “fish” part of your blog. They are going to be “swimmingly” happy that your efforts saved them from the old winter.

  13. Fen… This is excellent! I see not only continued community activism but hope you think about future political leadership. We need you! Congratulations…

  14. Way to go Fen! Taking initiative and helping those who could not help themselves. The world needs more kind people just like you! Keep it up!! Proud to call you one of Abby’s friends.

  15. You are so caring and compassionate toward those who don’t always have a voice of their own. If the fish could say thank you, they would! I am incredibly proud of you, Fenway.

  16. Fenway! Bravo! Great blogpost about a great deed! Thanks for standing up for the fish and then writing about it so thoughtfully.

  17. I’m a Grade 2 teacher in Ottawa. I was extremely impressed when I read your blog. I’m going to read it to my own class tomorrow so that they can all be inspired by your mindfulness and kind heart. It’s people like you who remind everyone that one small act of kindness can change the world. Way to go Fenway!
    P. S. I’ve been friends with your Mom since we were young girls. She’s also always had a kind heart just like you ❤️

  18. Hi Fen!

    I am so happy that you saved the fish! You saw a problem, used your voice, and made a big difference. Those fish are lucky that you took a bike ride on the weekend. I loved reading your first blog post and reflection. I loved how you put the videos and tweets into the post so everyone could see all the steps you took to save the fish. Great job!

    Mrs. Bennett

  19. Great work Fenway! It makes me so happy to hear about kindness towards animals! They need all the help they can get.

  20. This is fantastic Fen! So glad you took action to make sure the fish were safe. This is a really great act of tikkun olam. I will make sure to share this story with Livy. I am glad you wrote a blog so I could read about what you did. I hope you keep sharing about your acts of kindness and hopefully your friends will too. Great job!
    From Livy’s Auntie Suzi

  21. Hi Fen,
    Phenomenal! A big word for a big man! It takes caring and a big heart to do what you did. You saw a problem and you took control. You took the time to find out how to solve this and you made it happen. Not many people do that. You could have just walked away but saw a need to help others even though they were not human. The world thanks you. Congratulations from a big fan (Your Zaid)

  22. Hi Fen!

    That was amazing what you did. I think you are an amazing blogger.
    The fish must be happy now all thanks to you. We are all happy you did the right thing. What animal will you save next?


  23. Fen we are all so proud of you saving the fish. You are such a kind, sweet boy and with your wonderful spirit down the road I believe you will be an advocate for many, many other things in life. Love, Bubba

  24. Great work, Fen! I would have been so sad to see the fish struggling like that too. You should feel very proud that you didn’t just stand by, but did something to help! I also really like your reflection at the end. Do you think you inspired other people around you to do good deeds?

  25. Fen not only did you write an amazing first blog post, but you taught others that it is possible to make a difference and help make the world a better place (tikkun olam). I am so proud of you!

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