2A, 2B, General Studies

In The Know

Generations Day was a huge success. Our students did an excellent job reciting their class poems about the IDF and creating notes of support for the soldiers in Israel. Our full Generations Day program can be located here. These notes went directly to the soldiers.  A big thank-you to the Gonen family for delivering them. Generations Day was also Tzvi’s  last day at the OJCS as he and his family will be returning to Israel. Tzvi you will be missed by your teachers and friends.

Language Arts:

Writing-These past months the focus of our writing blocks were on exploring and creating various styles of poetry (lists, cinquain, acrostic) and narratives. Our goal for our narratives is that they are rich in detail, have an introductory  sentence, sequential order to the events and a closing sentence.  

Library-Just before our move to KBI, Ms. Brigitte had finished reading The Hoboken Chicken Emergency by Daniel Pinkwater. The students had a great time completing a choice board where they choose two follow-up activities to demonstrate both their understanding of the novel and their ability to create an alternative ending to the story.




Innovation Day marked the end of our unit on Liquid, Solids and Gases. Here are a few picks and a video from that fun day.



We are presently working on our final unit, The Growth and Changes in Animals. We have examined the characteristics of mammals, reptiles and amphibians. This week we will explore  the characteristics of fish. Our students have become very good at comparing the different categories of animals using Venn Diagrams.



Social Studies:

This last project will help our students have a better understanding of the big beautiful world they are a part of. They will work together in pairs to understand and share that how close or far from the equator their country is will affect the types of homes they live in, the wildlife that lives there, etc… Can’t wait to see their finished projects. Photos will be added soon.

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