
100th Day of School

Dear Parents,

Our class is celebrating the 100th Day of School on Tuesday, February 26th. To show our school spirit and commemorate this special day, our class is going to dress up like we are 100 years old. If your child would like to participate, it’s easy! We don’t encourage you to purchase a costume, but instead find items at home. Here a few ideas that may help your child dress the part.

Dress Like You’re 100 Years Old!

  • gray hair
  • hair curlers
  • glasses
  • shawl
  • bow tie
  • gray beard
  • cane
  • knee highs


Use your Imagination!


Subtraction with Regrouping

This past month we have been working on becoming proficient at solving math equations and problems involving subtraction  with regrouping. The students used many different tools and strategies. They worked in groups with base ten manipulatives, drew pictures to represent amounts and decomposed numbers to help solve the equations. Many have mastered this skill and continue to share their strategies with others. Below are two students sharing their thinking with the rest of the grade.


Book Reviews

Our Grade 2 students are very excited to write book reviews to encourage others to share their passion for reading. Last week we went to the library and Brigitte demonstrated how to write a book review. We also discussed the purpose of a book review. Tehila was the first one in our class to do so. Great job Tehila!  After that, everyone wanted an opportunity to participate and create their very first book review. So I promised them I would share the information which allows your child to do so this weekend.  Click on the URL below and follow the steps.

On the upper right hand corner of the screen you will see the button LOG ON. Log on to this site using your first initial, then a period, then your last name, all lowercase. Your password is books, also lowercase.  THIS IS AN EXAMPLE…

username: b.areader

password: books

Click the tab that says ITEMS OUT and choose the book you’d like to review.  

Click the button that says WRITE A REVIEW.

Give it a star rating and write why you recommend the book.

Can’t wait to read them!



School Wide Reading Challenge!

OJCS is doing a reading challenge! The Grade 2 class has a goal of reading 350 books before the end of the challenge on May 1st. When we reach our goal, we get to have a pizza party! We are keeping track of all the books that are read for homework, in class and for the sheer joy of reading  Please send a note/e-mail/comment on this post to let us know if your child read a book at home (in any language) so we can add a tally mark to our chart.


Je cours pour Terry Fox

Grade 2 watched a video/song in French about Terry Fox, which was followed by discussion. The students were asked to come up with one or two words that came to mind when they thought about Terry Fox. They did a great job and were truly inspired! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwpzXxU7VWk