Two months to summer vacation, however, here at the OJCS there is still work to be done. Take a look at just some of the highlights.
Recess: No more snowsuits!
Numbers/Algebra- This term we are practicing two or three digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, rounding numbers (to the nearest 10, 100 and/or 1,000) depending where you are in your learning journey. Further understanding the relationship between addition and multiplication, division and subtraction (explaining and sharing strategies) and fractions are just some of what we have covered within our numeracy blocks. As we work on every strand, ensuring they are working in their Just Right level. Remember the first step is demonstrating to me that they can independently complete the tasks assigned before moving on to that next level.
Coding- Our students have been introduced to Scratch Jr. Coding is the new literacy! With Scratch Jr., young children can program their own interactive stories and games. In the process, they learn to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creatively on the computer. These session take place in the Makerspace under the guidance of Mr. Ray.
Word Problems- The students are working on solving measurement and fraction problems. There are two very important expectations that I reiterate each lesson, reread your problem before you start and always show your work. My ultimate goal for them is to all love math and not be afraid to take risks.
In Science our focus currently is on the study of liquids and solids. Through experiments our students are discovering that materials that exist as liquids and solids have specific properties and interactions.
Language Arts:
Writing- This past month was poetry month. The students were introduced to many different styles of poetry (acrostic, cinquain and limericks). The book of poems that they are preparing for our Generation’s Day Poetry Slam is just about completed and includes a French poem they are eager to share.
Hi Grade 2,
Wow! Your classes are doing lots of learning. Does everyone like learning about coding with Mr. Ray? Your science experiments look very interesting. Which liquids did you like experimenting with the most? I look forward to reading more about your amazing learning in grade 2. I might just have to visit your individual blogfolios. 🙂
Keep up the great work!
Mrs. Bennett
Wow! Grade 2 – you have been working incredibly hard! You should all be very proud of yourselves! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for your Poetry Slam!
– Ms. Beswick