2A, 2B, Reminders

Scholastic Book Fair

Hello parents!

The book fair is coming up next week. This is a great opportunity to encourage a love of reading, while also receiving new books for our OJCS classrooms and library. Here are a few notes about this year’s fair…

1) We are going to the book fair as a class on Wednesday, December 4th. Please send your child with money that day if you would like him/her to purchase something at the fair.

2) Parents can pop into the book fair before and after school. It opens at 8:00AM AND this year it will be open during P/T Conferences in the evening. 

3) Parents can send a note with their child if they have any instructions for the money; i.e. wanting money specifically spent entirely on books, if at least one book must be purchased, using the change towards buying book from the teacher wishlist  etc.

Please let us know if you have questions.

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